Saturday, May 30, 2009

Believe it or not !!!

There are 2 types of people in this world. First, who knows about a particular thing. Second, who believes about the same thing.

Tune to Class VIII B. Teacher, who has a spiritual inclination, was taking a new chapter and at some point asked, “How many of you believe in God?” All, except this particular child, raised their hand.

Surprised at this the teacher asked this child, “Why? You don’t believe in God?” The child replies, “No. I know God. I don’t need to believe in God.” The child continues, “Ma’am, I don’t need to believe that you are standing in front of me. I know that you are in front of me.”

We believe in something which we don’t know, or which we are not sure of. We don’t believe in something that we know. I have to believe that there is Grand Canyon or Niagara falls because I have not seen them. (Of course I may be convinced that they are there, but then too there is some degree of uncertainty)

At the same time I do not need to believe that there is Taj Mahal, or that you, the reader, exist. I know that its there.

Another school of thought: Whether we believe in something or know something, things are there as they are. We believing it or knowing it does not change it anything. For our own comfort and convenience we either know it, believe it or disbelieve it. The fact does not change, it remains.

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