Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Long Time!!

Woooh!! 5 months! Its been long time since I posted anything.

  • Films release and flop or become hit in 5 months.
  • Countries go on war, and return to peace in 5 months.
  • People jump multiple jobs in 5 months.
  • Mosquitoes take birth, die and again take birth (may be as a mosquito again or not, not sure) in 5 months. (FYI: The average life span of a female mosquito is 3 to 100 days; the male lives 10 to 20 days.)
  • Marriages are made and broken in 5 months.
  • Companies are born and go broke in 5 months.

But still here I am, not writing anything for 5 months. Don't know why, but I get this strange feeling of wanting a very private and thought free space to have my creative juices flowing in the brain. This is very bad because as you can see, I end up doing nothing. So may be I will jot down something at least every week.

I am not yet into tweeter, may be I should have a look at it. Anybody there who tried that? Any advice/warning??

(Btw, I am really surprised on how the celebrities mange to have a blog and write daily on that. Really surprising to me. Is it really written by them or somebody is writing for them? Not sure)


  1. I'm on twitter... but clearly dont understand it...

    I dont understand how celebrities can write their blogs everyday.. Ofcourse they are written by someone else!!

  2. I recently joined twitter :

    Frankly speaking, I did not understand what the whole point of tweets is. :)

    Just one more pair of username and password to memorize.

  3. @Patricia: Hi Patricia, Looks like there are many others who share the same thoughts on Twitter. And on blogs, surprised to know that celebrated blogs have lots of fan following, and I am sure many know that they are written by somebody else!

    @Hari: Saw your tweet. May be I will look at creating an twitter account during some boring day when there is nothing else to do. Oh no, cant think of one more pair of username & password.

    PS: I stand corrected on Tweeter. Its Twitter and not Tweeter!!!

  4. hmmm i am sure all these blogs are abt advertising and promotion


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